Sunday, September 25, 2005


Reached out feeling weightless and black; my arms like spider reveries ignoble haunted in my world of sleep. Lightless chemical imbalance aggravated me into myself but fear and never nothing nowhere not inside but underneath. Eyes opened to my television life; the people march and sing behind the frame; disillusioned me inside the bilayer; my face unseen I am objective alone in the dark black room with only the light of television that soft blue glare that burns my eyes and robs my heart; characters that come and go without consequence to me the objective viewer staring absently at the screen so eager to give my life away like public hangings on an empty sky afternoon; my life is not real the people have no meaning the birds will never sing the sky will never change the time will never move the waves will never tide the moon will never laugh the people have no meaning the lies will never truth the eyes that never proof the water feels like air the youth will never care the age will never know the children never show of daydreams in the night and never having rights will sit upon some mound not looking to the ground but groping at the sky the children never reach the people have no meaning the ants that move the dirt the sleep that isn't real the lie we never speak the real that isn't there the people have no meaning.

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