Monday, April 25, 2005

Opprobrious Enlightenment

Regressive sexuality inverted limitation; pheromone Eve antagonistic perforated weakness. Condemnation recondite illegitimate virtue aberrated fallen hereafter tempted inescapably. Felicitous annulment deliquency benighted harmony divine intemperance severity painless embittered imprecating convolution obscurity. Hedonistic peerless ripening gestation pragmatic in eyes unfit to behold.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Anathematized vacancy anguish dejection forlorn suicidal despond malignant frailty widespread sovereign destitute woebegone deplorable. Wretched continuity detriment betrayal cursed quarantine beloved bastard distress burden albatross unbearable death somatic bereavement ruination irreparable worsening humiliation hopeless. Ill-fated useless cycle vain incurable futile menacing demoralized unmitigable disconsolate detritus squalid melancholy oppressive funereal somber isolation bleak morose insanity languished downcast horrid affliction.


Attention span newfound masculine dissolution clarion hatred coagulation. Spaces inner maturation Edgar outward breathing blasphemy incoherence manipulation sentiment chaotic. Libidinous sewage permeation ordure radiation sunburst execrable whore spreading its legs in silence. Lascivious wanton saturation vile excessive grime retention soiled mouth whereby with seminal excrement. Eleven honesty ended outspoken enmity loathsome.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Manic Spiritual

Siren lying frivolous heart malpractice affected inconsiderate spiteful reflection blinding meaningless. Shade exempla dignified justice perverted speaking foreign hideous. Truth uncovered desperation trust imposter haunting stoic membrane commencement. Marriage laughter contorted mirthful deceit insomnia disgusted conversation bereft. Illusion aperture adjusted accordingly; light deluge excessive insolent. Confronted adulteration inevitable.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

An Unanswered Correspondence

Does Beatrice, that angel, dare to love you now? Does love transcend the heavenly faith you so doggedly upheld in her eternal name? The light you once described as blinding, have you acquired the sight to fix your eyes upon it? What life, enraptured, must certainly lie within! For you, Dante, I have so many questions.

I am older now; with a Beatrice of my own. I would love nothing more than to take her as my wife. Only time will tell.

Monday, April 04, 2005

The Liberated Woman

Mildewed cyst malignant spiteful abortion infected putrefied seminal ingestion. Fleeting intercourse empowerment bathing vomitus children ovarian cecity filth misinformation sexual. Inferior bleeding faceless whore contemptuous mouthing thoughtless insecurity. The smell of shit wafting miserably from your menstruating breath.