Saturday, December 13, 2008

Walking Is, Has Problems

Segment fluoridation oversaturated, annotated unnecessarily frantic inside the lie. Concept abandon promise but making faces the product: malnourished, insular little boy. Pressure smile incessant falsity as if time could be recycled.

Makeshift examinations outdated by neonatal copyright, so tie onto a piece of me. Let's anathematize our gender, Vesicant. You're a caustic antedate stillness patrolling the same rattletrap decade...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Prunus Dulcis: Transience 1994

Downward grin adolescence, Clover bars the kid-room instructive. If anything teenage wire-frame--faux sustenance unblemished bathroom hysteria, calcium: A--seen after the open boyfriend posture needling evaporation anteroom; sugary teaching the rat-maze taste.

Silk boy "currency" lexicon abandoned somehow incomprehensible realignment. Once translation optical intelligence machine hemispheres negation. Motherhood fluttering immaturity film-grain expectations for an unlocked new year. Trinary gable dilapidated curiosity fence even unhinged, timeless, falling diagonally inhuman against fiber glass, casette-blue 86, Saturday escape.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Time is Another Temple

New map non-television already abbreviated. Light rotation 19[hemisphere] wash-out mapping. "This is real," scribbling vanity.

,soft,control, advertisement alive; eyes fixation distance absolute

Image asking my life away. Body down by inches ghost. Seduction, unregistered anyway having humorless firsthand. Bloodless distortionism commonly attractive advertisement alive.

They had given some account of what many. Smile together sometime at chemistry outline trash mechanical uncertain-sentence recapturing emptiness between the two of them. Therefore, the first awareness of a reason why.